Benefits of membership
• Introduction to historical documents and other sources
• Participation in unusual and interesting visits
• Insight into other members research
• Research resources
• Members’ Journal and updates
• Opportunity to purchase at member’s reduced price the specially commissioned digitised Lloyd’s Register of Yachts and the 1891-1939 archive of The Yachtsman magazine
How to become a member
All you need to do is complete our Application form – download/open the form, here complete the form on your computer, save it and email it to:
Make sure you read the Association’s Rules, to which every member agrees when subscribing – download the Rules
The annual membership fee of £20 can be paid via bank transfer to:
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account: Association of Yachting Historians
Account address: Lloyds Bank plc, 35 Union St, Ryde, Isle of Wight. PO33 2LH
AYH postal address: 7 Courtlands Avenue, Hampton, Middlesex TW12 3NS, United Kingdom
Account number: 00914753
Sort Code: 30-97-21
IBAN: GB39 LOYD 3097 2100 9147 53
Ref: AYH and your surname
Please include AYH and your surname as a reference when making the transfer and include this reference on your Membership Application Form