Benefits of membership
- Introduction to historical documents and other sources
- Participation in unusual and interesting visits
- Insight into other members research
- Research resources
- Members’ Journal and updates
- Opportunity to purchase at member’s reduced price the specially commissioned digitised Lloyd’s Register of Yachts and the 1891-1939 archive of The Yachtsman magazine
How to become a member
All you need to do is complete our Application form – download/open the form, complete and save it then email it to
Make sure you read the Association’s Rules, to which every member agrees when subscribing – read here or download the Rules
The annual membership fee of £20 can be paid via bank transfer to:
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account: Association of Yachting Historians
Account address: Lloyds Bank plc, 35 Union St, Ryde, Isle of Wight. PO33 2LH
Account number: 00914753
Sort Code: 30-97-21
IBAN: GB39 LOYD 3097 2100 9147 53
Ref: use your full name as the reference
You may wish to set up a standing order for your renewal in which case set the date Annually at 1st November.
While bank transfer is preferred (as we do not incur any fees) online payment may be made here as we appreciate that bank transfers may be difficult for our overseas members in particular.