The Association was formed in 2005 and our membership now includes historians, academics, writers, boat researchers, yacht restorers, and all those who have an interest in researching and sharing the history of yachting.

Our membership is not confined to the British Isles, for we reach across Europe to North America, Australia and beyond. We are now working closely with the National Maritime Museum Greenwich to increase the public’s awareness of the history of our sport.

We aim to celebrate our rich maritime heritage and to encourage research as well as the preservation of important records. Most of all we seek to provide a forum to help and support others with their own research.

About us

The members of the Association of Yachting Historians have a wide range of knowledge and interests in all aspects of yachting. They are keen to spread such knowledge to like-minded individuals and organizations. In line with the objectives of our founder, the late Maldwin Drummond OBE DI, our aim is to encourage the preservation of yachting history, and to help researchers and writers on yachting to gain easier access to information.


A core function of our Association is to help members to find primary yachting history sources and we are delighted to report that, following our very successful digitisation of Lloyd’s Register of Yachts , we have recently completed our Association’s second major project, the digitisation of The Yachtsman magazine from 1891 to 1939.


We organize relaxed but informative visits to maritime museums, yacht clubs and archives around the country, where we often gain access behind the scenes to see material not available to the general public….